The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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signs :- nl,
print( 'Does the patient exhibit any of the following signs:' ), nl,
print( 'weakness, lightheadedness, syncope, cardiac awareness,
pallor, tachycardia, jaundice.' ),
syndrome( 1 ).
syndrome( 1 ) :- 'undist anemia'.
'undist anemia' :-
anemia( RBC ),
print( 'Patient has anemia. We now try to diagnose the specific type.' ),
'anemia subtype'( RBC ).
'anemia subtype'( RBC ) :- 'congenital hemolytic anemia'( RBC ).
'anemia subtype'( RBC ) :- 'acquired hemolytic anemia'.
'acquired hemolytic anemia' :-
ldh( high ), nl,
print('Based upon a diagnosis of anemia and ' ),
print(' high LDH we obtain acquired hemolytic anemia.' ).
'congenital hemolytic anemia'( low ) :-
'congenital hemolytic history',
'congenital hemolytic determinant', nl,
print('Based upon a diagnosis of anemia and '),
print( 'the just named symptom we diagnose congenital hemolytic anemia.' ).
'deficiency anemia' :- nl,
print( 'Diagnosis is a deficiency anemia.' ).
'congenital hemolytic history' :- jaundice.
'congenital hemolytic history' :- gallstones.
'congenital hemolytic history' :- sphenomegally.
'congenital hemolytic history' :- hepatomegally.
'congenital hemolytic history' :- 'bony malformations'.
'congenital hemolytic history' :- 'mental retardation'.
'congenital hemolytic determinant' :- microcytosis.
'congenital hemolytic determinant' :- eliptocytosis.
'congenital hemolytic determinant' :- spherocytosis.
'congenital hemolytic determinant' :- anisopoikilocytosis.
'congenital hemolytic determinant' :- 'anemia related to food'.
microcytosis :- labfindings( microcytosis ).
eliptocytosis :- labfindings( eliptocytosis ).
anisopoikilocytosis :- labfindings( anisopoikilocytosis ).
'anemia related to food' :- evidence( 'anemia related to food' ).
spherocytosis :- nl,
print( 'Is the % of spherocytosis > 50%' ), affirm.
anemia( RBC ) :- symptom( anemic ), rbc( RBC ).
symptom( anemic ) :- hemoglobin( low ).
symptom( anemic ) :- hematocrit( low ).
evidence( X ) :- nl,
print('Has the patient evidence of '),
print( X ), affirm.
labfindings( X ) :- nl,
print('Are there laboratory findings of ' ),
print( X ), affirm.
jaundice :- evidence( jaundice ).
gallstones :- evidence( gallstones ).
sphenomegally :- evidence( sphenomegally ).
hepatomegally :- evidence( hepatomegally ).
'bony malformations' :- evidence( 'bony malformations' ).
'mental retardation' :- evidence( 'mental retardation' ).
'retarded growth and development' :-
evidence( 'retarded growth and development' ).
'crisis of viscera, bones' :-
evidence( 'crisis of viscera, bones' ).
/* Laboratory measurements: */
rbc( HLN ) :- rbcmeas( RBC ), rbccat( RBC, HLN ).
rbccat( RBC, low ) :- RBC < 4.
rbccat( RBC, high) :- RBC > 6.
rbccat( RBC, norm ) :- RBC = 5.
rbcmeas(RBC) :- nl,
print( 'Input the RBC in millions/microliter:' ),
read( RBC ).
hematocrit( HLN ) :- hematocrtmeas( HEMAT ), hematcat( HEMAT, HLN ).
hematcat( HEMAT, low ) :- HEMAT < 36.
hematocrtmeas( HEMAT ) :- nl,
print( 'What is the hematocrit level % per deciliter?:' ),
read( HEMAT ).
mcv( low ) :- mcv1( low ).
mcv( high ) :- mcv1( high ), not( arct( high ) ).
mcv1( HLN ) :- mcvmeas( MCV ), mcvcat( MCV, HLN ).
mcvcat( MCV, high) :- MCV > 96.
mcvcat( MCV, low ) :- MCV < 85.
mcvmeas( MCV ) :- nl,
print( 'What is the level of MCV in cubic microns:' ),
read( MCV ).
ldh( LDH ) :- nl,
print( 'What is the level of LDH (high,low, or norm)?: ' ),
read( LDH ).
arct( HLN ) :- arctmeas( ARCT ), arctcat( ARCT, HLN ).
arctmeas( ARCT ) :- nl,
print( 'What is the absolute reticulocyte count in units of thousands:'),
read( ARCT ).
affirm :- nl, print( '(y./n.) ?:- ' ), read( ANS ), nl, yes( ANS ).
yes( y ).